It’s also bundled into some other mods by default, such as Community Quick User Interface mod mentioned above. In Civ 6, there’s an option to enable multplayer mods right there in the menu. You’ll need to create a new folder here called ‘Mods’ if there isn’t one and the mod in question will need to go here in its own sub-folder. Alternatively, try out the pre-made mod packs list below: Everyone who wants to join a multiplayer mod game must do the following, and use the same pack. Our updated guide to Civ 6 mods that are compatible with Gathering Storm. While I was messing with Civ 6 to try to play a game without ever founding a city, I found that all the player and AI starting conditions are stored in a file called Eras.xml. There is an additional in-game mod manager-like area called ‘Additional Content’ to further manage which mods you have installed by activating/deactivating. Here's our current list of the best Civilization 6 mods, updated to take 2019's Gathering Storm expansion into account. It adds in real pictures from history and improves the Great People UI window. If you get the mod from a non-steam source like Nexus, you can simply throw it in the same user directory as above, although it may look like this with the EGS version: \Documents\my games\Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (Epic)\Mods. If you need to organise your mods a bit better, then this tool should be the first place you stare. If you want to make changes to Civ 6’s files yourself, the simplest way is to make direct changes to the files in Civilization 6’s install directory (after backing up the originals, of course). Get involved in the conversation by heading over to the Strategy Gamer forums. The main change is that it splits the list into two, with disabled mods going on the left-hand list, and the enabled mods on the right. Unfortunately there’s no way to ‘lock’ resources to certain areas of a randomly generated map – not even regular resources can do this – so if you’re hoping for these new additions to spawn in, say, South American on Earth-style maps, you’ll be disappointed. Modpack (above) to get rid of the Clash of Clans-looking armies and you’re in for a much more immersive, less board game-y feel.

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